
2010년도 제5차 해외전문교육 「Introduction to Structural Geology」(5.24~28) 개최
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2010년도 제5차 해외전문교육

- 「Introduction to Structural Geology」 개요 -


o 일시 : 2010.5.24(월) ~ 5.28(금), 5일간

o 장소 : 해외자원개발진흥재단 석유가스교육연구센터(역삼동)

o 기관 : Schlumberger Technology Services(Beijing) Limited

o 과정 :Introduction to Structural Geology

o 대상 : Geologists

o 강사 : Dr. Dirk A. Nieuwland

  - 2004년 Middle East Technical University(Ankara, Turkey) 초빙교수

  - 1999년 NewTec-consultancy 상무이사 역임

  - 1999년∼2004년 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 지구과학과 부교수로 재직

  - 1979년1990년 Shell Bangkok production geologist, Turkse Shell chief geologist,

     Shell research KSEPL Rijswijk senior research geologist로 근무

  - 1979년 PhD Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University(Structural geology  
     and Radiometric dating)

  - 1975년 MSc Leiden State University(Structural geology & sedimentology)


o 교육내용

  - 교육생들이 실제 업무로 수행중인 case들을 교육에 가져와, 관련 내용을 토론하고

    실질적인 문제 해결방식을 찾아가는 교육생 참여위주의 교육

- Introduction : to geo-mechanics
- General fault characteristics
- In order to create a ‘common ground’ in the group, the first day will be spend on general aspects of the application of   

  structural geology and geo-mechanics in the E&P business. Introduction to stress and strain, some rock mechanics and

  the application of this subject to geological phenomena as encountered in the oil and gas business.

- Extensional tectonics : rifts, delta’s, domes.
- Theory, examples, analogue models, seismic interpretation. Structural geometries and fault properties that are

  characteristic for extensional tectonic regimes will be treated during the morning session of day-2. Structural reservoir

  types and fault sealing mechanisms will be part of the material.
- Strike-slip tectonics
- Theory, case history, analogue models, seismic interpretation. Structural geometries and fault properties that are

  characteristic for strike-slip tectonic regimes will be treated during the afternoon of day-2. Structural reservoir types, in-situ

  stress analysis and fault sealing mechanisms (also in sand-sand juxtapositions) will be part of the material. The 3D nature

  of this tectonic setting including pitfalls and traps in structural interpretation will receive special attention

- Compressional tectonics : fold-and-thrust belts
- Compressional tectonics : fault reactivation ? multi-phase tectonics.
- Theory, case histories, analogue models, seismic interpretation exercise. Structural geometries and fault properties that

   are characteristic for compressional tectonic regimes will be treated during the morning of day-3. Structural reservoir types

   and fault sealing mechanisms will be part of the material. During the afternoon session the mechanics of fault reactivation

   (inversion tectonics) will be discussed.

- Salt tectonics
- Fault sealing and top seal integrity
- Aspects of salt-tectonics will be discussed during the morning of day-4. Examples from the North Sea and the Gulf of

  Mexico, interpretation exercise. The afternoon session will be used to discuss fault sealing mechanisms and approaches

  to evaluate top seal integrity in exploration and in production scenarios.

- Fracture systems : fracture mechanics, reservoir examples and outcrop examples
- Analysis of fault and fracture systems, including fractal properties of fault and fractures and prediction of sub-seismic

- Theory, case histories, analogue models. The morning session will be used to discuss fracture mechanics, fracture

  types, natural fracture systems and their influence on reservoir characteristics and production strategies