
2011년도 제7차 해외전문교육 「Evaluating and Developing Shale Resources」(9.26~30) 개최
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2011년도 제7차 해외전문교육 개요

ㅇ 교 명  :Evaluating and Developing Shale Resources - SRE

ㅇ 교육기관 : OGCI PetroSkills Ltd.(PetroSkills)

ㅇ 대 상 : Reservoir, production and completion engineers 등

ㅇ 일 시 : 2011.9.26(월) ~ 9.30(금), 5일간(9:00~17:00)

ㅇ 장 소 : 해외자원개발진흥재단 석유가스교육연구센터(역삼동)

ㅇ 강 사 : Mr. Paul J. Dudenas

   - 2002년~현재 East Resources/Shell/Consultant, Engineering Manager

   - 1988년~2002년Saudi Aramco, Engineering Specialist

   - 1984년~1988년 Marietta College, Assistant Professor

   - 1981년 M.S. in Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering, Penn State University

ㅇ 주요 교육내용

   - Reservoir Characterization and Evaluation : geological setting; rock properties; petrophysical considerations

   - Drilling : vertical vs. horizontal wells; pilot holes; fluids; MWD and LWD; wellbore sizes and lateral; drilling challenges;

     mechanical considerations

   - Completions : cased vs. open hole; perforation schemes; stimulation design and considerations; case histories

   - Production Forecasting and Reserve Calculations: volumetrics; performance analysis; simulation; resource development;

     decline curve analysis; handling uncertainty in estimates