
2012년도 제3차 해외전문교육 「Well Test Analysis」(5.14~18) 개최
등록인 : 관리자 |

ㅇ 교 육 명  :「Well Test Analysis」

ㅇ 교육기관 :  IFP Training

ㅇ 교육일시:  2012.5.14(월) ~ 5.18(금), 9:00~17:00

ㅇ 교육장소 : 해외자원개발진흥재단 석유가스교육연구센터(역삼동)

ㅇ 강  사 : Mr. David Rossitto 
   - Institut des Arts et M?tiers, Brussels, Belgium, 전기공학 전공
   - 현재 S.M.A.S.-P(Sud Med Activates & Services - Petroleum)社에서 Well Test에 관한 감독 및 KAPPA Engineering,

     Petro-Tec, ENSPM-FIIFP Training社에서 강의
   - CEPSA, ANADARKO, Exxon Mobil, FLOPETROL-JOHNSTON(現Schlumberger)社에서 근무

ㅇ 주요 교육과정 


- Purpose of well testing

- Well and reservoir performance and the need for testing
- Practical well test operations : types of tests, equipment, safety   and environmental issues
- Definitions & typical regimes : wellbore storage, radial flow regime, skin effect, fractured well, well in partial penetration
- Fractured reservoirs, limited reservoirs and closed reservoirs
- Productivity index, radius of investigation

- Darcy's law, the diffusivity equation

- The time superposition, multirate testing
- The space superposition, boundary effect
- Pressure curves analysis : Pressure derivative

- Well with wellbore storage and skin
- Infinite and finite conductivity vertical fracture
- Well in partial penetration
- Horizontal well
-The different skin factors, geometrical skin and well deliverability

- One sealing fault

- Two parallel sealing faults
- Two intersecting sealing faults
- Closed system, reservoir limit testing and depletion effects
- Constant pressure boundary

- Rate history definition

- Time and pressure error
- Pressure gauge drift & noise
- Changing wellbore storage
- Phase segregation
- Interpretation procedure
- From the initial diagnosis to the final consistency check of the results
- Reporting and presentation of results, examples of test response